I am a professional photographer. I travelled to Georgia for the first time in 2010 to work as a project photographer for the NGO Save the Children. The country stole my heart and has become my second home. 
I have spent summers and winters in the most remote mountainous regions of the country, exploring and photographing the amazing scenery and local traditions. Hiking in the summer and sleeping in a tent high in the mountains under a blanket of stars. And in the winter staying as a guest with local families who are always friendly and welcoming, undergoing local traditions and life in deep winter. This has given me valuable insights in the geographics of the country and a deep understanding of a culture that is more than 8.000 years old. I feel blessed being invited to witness these traditions and customs. 
Since 2018 I have been organising and leading photography workshop tours in the mountains of Georgia. Join me in one of my tours and photograph alongside me. These are unique opportunities to improve en enjoy your photography. Bring just learned theory in practice in a surrounding that will speak to your imagination. Please visit for more information.
I hope to see you in Georgia,
Thomas van Hemert